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POM Workshop: Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose)

Let Flex yoga teacher Jay Lambert give you a head start on our September POM, Tittibhasana!

Tittibhasana, also known as Firefly Pose, is an intermediate to advanced Posture that requires a mix of strength in your arms, and balance, in safely upholding your body.

The Sanskrit name is made up of two syllables: Tittibha (small insect, firefly) and Asana (seat / pose / posture).

During our 2-hour workshop, Jay will practice the preliminary postures with you, and lead you safely into, and out of, Tittibhasana, of course taking into account where you are at in your practice, and what level of physical ability you currently have.

This workshop is free for all students on Flex Memberships. Anyone else can join for $60, please book below.

Later Event: 9 September
Kirtan with Madhava Das