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POM Workshop: Parsva Kakasana (Side Crow Pose)

Practice Parsva Kakasana, the Side Crow Pose, with Flex teacher Luke. Two hours of in-depth instruction on the November POM!

Yet another arm balance, Parsva Kakasana challenges you to balance an uneven weight, with a side twist.

The Sanskrit name is made up of three syllables: Parsva (side), Kaka (crow) and Asana (seat / pose / posture). It’s easily mistaken for Bakasana (which translates to Crane Pose). The difference? In crow, your arms are slightly bent whereas in crane, they are stretched out.

During our 2-hour workshop, Luke will practice the preliminary postures with you, and lead you safely into, and out of, Parsva Kakasana. He will also show you how to build the strength to hold this posture comfortably.

This workshop is free for all students on Flex Memberships. Anyone else can join for $60, please book below.