Posture of the month: Garbha Pindasana

In November, our Posture of the Month is Garbha Pindasana, the Embryo in Womb Pose, sometimes also referred to as Garbhasana. In Sanskrit, it is composed of the three syllables Garbha (Womb), Pinda (Embryo or Foetus) and Asana (seat, pose or posture).

As the name suggests, it resembles an embryo nestled into the mother’s womb. In terms of fitting into categories, it’s a posture from the Ashtanga tradition, classified as an advanced seated balancing pose and is said to promote focus and a balanced mind, often in order to go deeply into meditation afterwards.

An embryo, as it grows, is flexible and has to fold up quite significantly to fit into its confined space. Yet it grows steadily, day by day, until its completion and readiness for birth. This is what this posture stands for in yogic terms as well: Slow yet steady development, with patience and probably some level of discomfort, until we are ready to fully unfold and blossom.

In terms of practice, you will find that it is a combination of two other poses: The Lotus Pose (Padmasana) and Blossoming Lotus Pose (Vikasita Kamalasana).

Benefits of practicing Garbha Pindasana

Turning your body into a human pretzel while staying seated upright obviously has its challenges: It requires flexibility (which you may have to work up to, over time), the ability to breathe slowly yet steadily and a crystal clear focus. It is less strenuous than some of the other advanced postures we often practice as ‘Postures of the Month’, but definitely not less challenging to master. Combine it with pranayama (yogic breath work) practices and ideally, meditation, for best results. Here is what you may get out of practicing the Embryo Pose:

  • Tones your internal organs and helps with constipation and digestive issues

  • Challenges and strengthens your Lower Back

  • Activates and tones your biceps and triceps

  • Tones your core and helps define your abs

  • Opens your hips and stretches the hip flexors

  • Stretches the deep tissues of the knees, calves and ankles, as well as the muscles of your glutes, hamstrings, inner thighs, groins, and pelvic floor

  • Activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System and thus helps you relax and get out of ‘Fight, Flight or Freeze’ mode induced by stressful situations

  • Helps maintain emotional balance and is said to bring harmony to anger, anxiety and depression

  • Boosts energy in the body

  • Activates the Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra)

The Manipura Chakra - Are you ‘fired up’?

As we have discussed in previous posts, the Manipura Chakra is located between the navel and the base of the sternum, commonly known as the Solar Plexus. It is the seat of your personal power, confidence and sense of self-esteem. Portrayed in bright yellow colour, like the sun radiating from your core, this ‘Power Chakra’ represents the energy you project into the world.

The word ‘Chakra’ in Sanskrit translates to ‘Wheel’. Chakras are energy vortexes, swirling pools of Prana (Life Force Energy). Therapists who work with chakras will tell you that they correspond with certain glands in our body. In the case of the Manipura Chakra, that would be the pancreas, which helps regulate the body's metabolism and energy balance.

Referring to a ‘Balanced 3rd Chakra’, we would see in a person purpose and confidence, and the willingness to assert their views and ideas in the world. They are willing to enthusiastically ‘radiate out’ their truth, and leave a mark on the world. They are literally ‘on fire’.

Juxtaposed would be a ‘Blocked 3rd Chakra’, which is like a person’s light being dimmed. They second-guess themselves, are timid or insecure, unable to stand for something, commit to a goal or push through challenges. If you ask them what they want, you might get a weak “I don’t know” and a blank stare. They are missing the famous ‘fire in the belly’ that we see in people who are ‘burning for’ or ‘lit up by’ and idea. Notice the references to light and fire? When unbalanced, it’s like the person’s source of energy is gone.

All the more worthwhile to stoke the fire in our bellies and bring the heat back on!

So are you ready to learn Garbha Pindasana? Then come along to Flex regularly and practice with us! There are over 25 classes/week, and we will practice it daily during all of November 2023!

This month, we thank the writers at and

Henrike Schreer