Posture of the month: Boat Pose (Navasana)

Time to get to the core friends! This month, our POM is focusing on chiseling our abdominals, to help you increase your strength when practicing advanced postures like inversions and arm balances.

In Sanskrit, the ancient language of the yogis, Navasana means 'Boat Pose', from Nava (boat) and Asana (seat or posture). As a seated forward bend, practicing Navasana improves your balance and strengthens your abdominals and back muscles.

In terms of chakras, Navasana activates the Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra). Read on to find out more…

Some of the health benefits you can expect from practicing Navasana

Navasana activates the muscles of your core (abdominals), your pelvic muscles, quadriceps and lower back. It can be practiced with your legs stretched or at an angle, depending on the strength of your lower back in terms of carrying the weight at this point. Over time, practicing Navasana will benefit you in a variety of ways. It…

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  • Strengthens core and abdominal muscles and thereby helps you build a strong back

  • Stretches the spinal muscles and strengthens the spinal nerve

  • Strengthens your hips and thighs

  • Strengthens your pelvic floor muscles

  • Improves your body alignment and counteracts the effects of sitting on your desk all day

  • With your core muscles at work, Navasana can help improve your digestion by stimulating agni, your digestive fire

  • Can boost energy and fight fatigue

  • Can help improve your concentration and stress relief

Navasana and the Manipura Chakra

Your Manipura Chakra, located between the navel and the base of the sternum, is the seat of your personal power, confidence and sense of self. Interesting distinction: Whilst your self-esteem is linked to this centre, your sense of self-worth is tied to your Anahata Chakra, the heart. Its Sanskrit name translates to ‘city of jewels’ or ‘lustrous gem’.

Also named the power chakra, it could be called your solar energy. When well-balanced, it radiates prana (life force energy) and gives energy, courage, purpose and direction, as well as a sense of responsibility for serving those around you. You will be able to show up confident and assertive, capable and decisive.

When out of balance in this chakra, you may experience digestive issues (incl. from your gall bladder and pancreas), blood pressure issues and fatigue. Mentally, it can show up as victim mentality, e.g. negativity, insecurity and low self-esteem when under functioning, or rigidity and control issues, e.g. aggression and domineering behaviour when over functioning.

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Curious to try? Then come along to Flex regularly and practice with us! There are over 25 classes/week, and we will practice Navasana daily during all of June 2023!

Acknowledgments: the main resources for this post were articles by and